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Click join now at the top of this page. Avid LAFCO shopper? Create an account with the email address you used at checkout. You’ll get points for purchases made up to 12 months prior.
Make a purchase or complete an activity (e.g. leave a review, share a post, or follow us on Instagram, Pinterest, or TikTok).
Log in to your account, then choose from our rewards at checkout (you can redeem one per purchase).
Yes, with some exceptions—which are shared in our disclaimers.
Yes, you’ll earn points for purchases made in the last 12 months (calculated from the time you create an account). Just make sure to sign up with the email address you used at checkout.
Your points will show up in your account 30 days after a return.
Log in to your account for an instant overview. You can also click rewards history to see your total in detail.
Yes, points expire 365 days after the purchase or activity was completed.
Here are the most common reasons why:
(1) You weren’t logged in to your account when you made a purchase.
(2) You recently made a purchase. Points appear in your account 30 days after you place an order (this gives you time to make any returns).
(3) You made a purchase using a different email address at checkout.
We offer loyalty points to our “verified buyers,” which means completing the automatic review request email sent to you 14 days after your order ships. Please note that reviews submitted directly on our site won’t earn points.
Your status is active for a year—starting from the day you join. For example, if you become a Townhouse member on January 1, 2025, you will stay in that tier until January 1, 2026. Tiers are calculated on a rolling 12-month basis (your status is based on your purchase history).
There is a 30-day “waiting period” that starts once you change tiers (giving you time to make any returns). If you don’t see your perks after 30 days, make sure you’re logged in to your account.
June 14, 2023 we relaunched our rewards program. Point value is now $1 = 1 point instead of $1 = 10 points. Customers in our program prior to this date have had their points recalculated to reflect this adjustment. No points were lost during this conversion.
We’d be happy to answer your questions. Reach out to [email protected] or call us at 800-362-3677.
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